using distortion


New member
i have the roland vs is my question i have the vs8f2 effects cards but the distortion is not strong enough,i also own a mesa boogie rectifire. do you think that recording wet then adding reverb and all other effects later would be smarter or should i keep experimenting with the vs8f2 to find a stronger sound.
Mic that thang! By recording wet, do you mean recording from the amp, using the reverb and effects from it? I would say use less reverb than you think sounds good live in the room (about 40% of what sounds right is how I guestimate it), and otherwise try to get the sound you hear from the amp recorded by trying different mic placement. Using too much reverb can be a common problem on each track, as it can be way too much when all the tracks are mixed together. And with the 1880 you can always add reverb later if you didn't have enough to begin with. Most of the time I record using only the natural reverb of the room I'm in, then add it to the track later if needed. I don't want to discourage you from tweaking the 1880 effects, as they can be made to sound good in some situations, I just think if you are getting a good sound when playing through the amp then miking that is probably a more beneficial thing to work on.

I have gotten the best results by working on getting a good sound from my amp first, then working on my mic technique and placement to get that sound recorded as exact as possible.

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 05-03-2000).]