Using Cubse with 2 monitors


New member
I have a vid card that aloows me to use to monitors. My question is .... Is there a way to move say the mixer screen out of the actual program and place it on your second monitor? It would make life so much simpler.
I tried to figure this out via the card manual and just messing around so I figured I would post cause I always figure it out after I finally ask LOL
assuming you have picture on both should be as simple as dragging the software mixer/plug-ins...ect....from one monitor to the other :D

I think!!! :p
Method 1 - Enlarge your Cubase screen so that it covers both monitors. In its normal state you can not move the mixer screen outside of the Cubase environment (window).

Method 2 - Leave Cubase so it only covers one of your monitors. In the top left side you have to right click in the right place until you see the option "always on top". Once you set the mixer so that it is always on top you can move the mixer outside the boundaries of your Cubase window ( i.e. to your second monitor).
I have two monitors with Nuendo. What I have to do is stretch the main Nuendo window between both monitors then arrange the mixer, wave view, etc.. between the two. Works well for me! Don't hit the maximize button. All that will do is maximize the window on your primary monitor only.