Using computer as mixing board


New member
Ok so i am planning on getting a cport dsp2000 audio card that has an external breakbox with 10ins/10out. Can i use the insert out on a Mackie CFX20 mixer with an TRS cable to go into the breakbox, then to the computer for sound processing,effects, and go from the out of the breakbox back into the insert of the mixer? Will this be effective or is there and easier way. We have outboard gear but not enough(obviously, who has enough?)

Use the inserts as sends to the Cport. For monitoring and mixing you will run the outs of the Cport back into their own channels on the Mackie.
If you think the mackie adds a pleasing sound to your mixes,then go for it as Tex as suggested.But your topic referrs to using the pc as mixer,which implies keeping it in the digital domain and NOT taking the outs back from the breakout box to the mixer.
I have a c-port also,but rarely use my 8 channel mixer anymore(mostly for the pres-the two c-port pres are weak and grainy).If you don't mind mixing with the mouse-keyboard combo,the signal should theoretically be a bit better;less trips through the converters and your board circuitry etc.Using your inserts as Tex notes will bypass the mackie except for the pres and is a very clean way to go.If you had a top quality pro board,it might even be considered an advantage to route from the breakout box outs back to the mixer to get that equipment's charactoristic sound added to the mix.Play around with both options and compare the same program material recorded at your best resolution and let your ears decide.