Using a Mic Pre-Amp


New member
Can anyone explain me why using a mic pre-amp is so important?
Lately I read about a Bellari witch would be good. I haven't got a mic pre-amp yet, and I'm looking for advise.
I would also like to know about transistor pre-amps, because I feel to much accent is put towards the Tubed stuff.Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a TON, already.
Hi Hano,

A pre-amp boosts a signal. When I record
my guitar through a mic, sometimes the signal
needs to be boosted to get the signal hotter
on tape. Have you ever notice thatthe signal coming in from anywhere needs more power ?
Well, there is the use of your pre-amp.
Additionally, they come with a variety
of features like EQs & compressors to color
the signal. Hope I helped.
