Using a Limiter


New member
I downloaded a limiter program to use on my overall mixes. I applied it and I really like what it does as far as making the waveform consistant and the sound a little bit fuller, but my only problem is that it seems like I can hear cymbals and various instruments, especially higher frequency sounds fluctuating up and down in volume. The limiter I'm using is Classic Limiter and it has only 1 knob on it, the threshold knob so I don't really have a lot of options. I also have a compressor on the overall mix running right along side of the limiter, anyone have any suggestions?
PlnsMstkn4Jacob said:
I downloaded a limiter program to use on my overall mixes. I applied it and I really like what it does as far as making the waveform consistant and the sound a little bit fuller, but my only problem is that it seems like I can hear cymbals and various instruments, especially higher frequency sounds fluctuating up and down in volume. The limiter I'm using is Classic Limiter and it has only 1 knob on it, the threshold knob so I don't really have a lot of options. I also have a compressor on the overall mix running right along side of the limiter, anyone have any suggestions?
If you hear cymbal wash, you might be compressing too much somewhere. The pumping sound is generally from a is compressing the signal, then releasing it, and it pumps in volume. Take the limiter off, and see if the sound is still pumping. If so, it's before the limiter.

Using the limiter, what I do with this one is, to just turn the knob up until you get a bit of red. See how it sounds. You can always add more, or turn it down a bit.
That's exactly what it was, I had my output gain on my compressor set way too high before using the limiter, but it's all good now. Thanks alot.
Bloodsoaked said:
Is a Limiter to be used on each track or on the whole mix?

Thank you...

Whatever sounds right. Essentially, a limiter is just a compressor set at a very high ratio. Generally, it would be something you would gently apply to the entire mix to bring up the volume. However, there may be instances you might use it on a single instrument (kick, snare, etc.).
try shortening the release time. i'm finding, on individual instruments at least, this really helps ye olde invisibility factor while squeezing more lemon in the aide.
