Using a Br-1600 with a home computer.


New member
I know this is a long post, but I hope you will bear with me and offer some advice.

We are buying a new computer, and I want to integrate it into my home studio. Ideally, I would like to get a Mac for the sole purpose of music production, but right now I just don’t have the funds. This will be my family’s home computer, and my wife will be using it to do some graphic design. We are looking at either a Dell Dimension 5150 or 3100.

Currently I have BR-1600 CD (version 2) and an Axiom 25 midi controller.

At the bare minimum, I want to use the computer as a synth, but as I am more of a guitar player than a keyboard player I would like some sequencing capability. I still plan on using my multi-track as my primary recording tool.

It was suggested that I get an M-Audio Audiophile 192 PCI Interface, a sequencer program (CuBase) and a virtual sythn (whatever).

I know that with this set up I could play the synth and record it on the BR-1600. But, would I be able to sequence the keyboard tracks on the computer and them send them over to the multi-track via an audio signal, synchronizing the two systems together using the BR-1600 as a master and the computer as a slave? (This is essentially what I did when I had a Motif ES6 keyboard—rented alas). Or, could I send a wave file from the computer to the BR-1600 (provided the tempo are synchronized) via the USB connection?

That being said, my mind opens up to possibilities. Could I take three vocal tracks from the BR-1600, edit them on the computer, and then send one back to the BR-1600? Could I send all the BR-1600 tracks to the computer for mixing and/or mastering? If I did the mixing on the computer, could I send the stereo tracks back to the BR-1600 for mastering?

Here’s my one dumb, newbie question. The audio interface is not a soundcard, right? Would I need to upgrade the soundcard on my computer? I suppose I would if I wanted to use the computer to mix or master, but not necessarily if I were just using the computer as a synth/workstation as the information would be going back and forth digitally.

Any thought, alternative set ups, software suggestions would be appreciated.



P.S. Should I post this in any other forum (i.e., the Cubase forum)?