Using a 2 Amp setup


New member
hello again,

ive used 2 amp setups in the past...and personally, if you have the real estate on stage, i find this the only way to go.

those days are long in the past, and im contemplating doing it again in my "Greenwood" setup of current days.

i currently have a Fender Twin modded with a 12AT in the preamp instead of the 12AX and 2 of the power tubes pulled to bring it to a 60/15 watt amp. many know, I cant get great saturation while maintaining the Fender Cleans. at 15 watts, i can turn the gain up to 9 and use the guitar volume to maintain a sweet Bassman-like crunch...alas, no clean. SO....if anyone who uses a dual amp setup, you know that nailing a A/B switch to engage a second amp for distortion while letting your clean shimmer still is something heavenly.

my question is...I am thinking of coupling my Twin at 60 watts (to let the clean shine) with a Soldano Astroverb 1x12, which is rated at 16 watts. I know this amp rips, but do you think it can keep up and blend with the Twin well? I know i could just try and maintain the 2 volumes...but i dont want to sacrifice tone.

am i being paranoid? is this stupid? is it stupid to try and match a 16 watt dirty monster with an even bigger 60 watt clean monster? id rather not use the Twin at 15 w.

Hummmmm..It might work out for ya. Going from the "headroom" of the twin 2/12 to lower wattage single..clean always seems louder than dirt too{due to transients ect.}..I'd try to match the amount speaker at least..but thats me....only you can know whats in your head/ears..Good luck :)