Uses for Multiple Outs


New member
Lots of multitrack PC/Mac interfaces offer multiple ins as well as multiple outs. I guess I don't understand what the use of the multiple outs is. Is it so you can use outboard effects/compression/etc on the signal that's on your disk? Could someone explain what they are for, and how to use them?
I mix from computer through an analog console (24 tracks). i think it sounds better than mixing in software.
You can use multiple outs for more flexibility at mixdown. For instance I have Delta 1010 with 8 analog I/O, the 8 outs are connected to 8 channels on my mixer. I can route any signal from the computer to any channel on the mixer, and from there I can send to the patch bay thru aux outs and process thru outboard FX. I can process in the computer as well as outside.

I tend to add reverb outboard, and send back in to the computer for mixdown.:)