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I found a way to use native plugins ( rtas / vst / au /tdm ) of protools hd accel tdm in realtime without latency !
I do this by using mutools and protools togethere at the same time and in the same computer.( p5wdg2 qx6850 8 go ddr 2 ssd sata 2 windows 7x64)
I doing this because even when a try to compensate the latency with manual protools latency compensation ( +/- ) value under the audio track.
my protools hd 10 is unstable and the result is so bad.
So i use Mutools for controling protools in midi and recording the audio of the plugins in mutools.
after i comprensate the latency of protools and mutools in mutools with the " audio latency compensation" of mutools.
with this method i can record all protools hd tdm in realtime without latency
i let you a video of my system here : https://www.ayewind.com/use-native-plugin-without-in-realtime-without-latency
picture explain how i compensate the latency of mutools and protools
and an audio demo correponding to the picture maxtor project
i hope it will help many people who want to use native plugins in realtime without latency !
best regards
I found a way to use native plugins ( rtas / vst / au /tdm ) of protools hd accel tdm in realtime without latency !
I do this by using mutools and protools togethere at the same time and in the same computer.( p5wdg2 qx6850 8 go ddr 2 ssd sata 2 windows 7x64)
I doing this because even when a try to compensate the latency with manual protools latency compensation ( +/- ) value under the audio track.
my protools hd 10 is unstable and the result is so bad.
So i use Mutools for controling protools in midi and recording the audio of the plugins in mutools.
after i comprensate the latency of protools and mutools in mutools with the " audio latency compensation" of mutools.
with this method i can record all protools hd tdm in realtime without latency
i let you a video of my system here : https://www.ayewind.com/use-native-plugin-without-in-realtime-without-latency
picture explain how i compensate the latency of mutools and protools
and an audio demo correponding to the picture maxtor project

MaXtor | weesch
MaXtor by weesch, Rock music from Paris, IDF, FR on ReverbNation

best regards