Use Ableton/midi to trigger web pages


New member
Hi all,

I have created a mix using Ableton for our wedding in a few weeks... As part of the wedding we are having an instagram wall where guests can take photos and by uploading using our wedding hashtag their pics will automatically be added to a self updating instagram gallery webpage which is projected onto a wall behind the bar (not totally relevant but thought it was cool lol!)

What I would like to be able to do is to load web pages onto the projector with the name of the current track of the mix on them. I would create all the web pages before the day, and all I would need is for the mix to trigger the pages to load at certain times as the tracks change...

Is this possible? If so - how! If it helps I will be using DMXIS to trigger the light show so I dont know if this can be used as part of the solution?

Hope you all an help :)
It seems like it would be a smarter and easier idea to just program that into the webpage with jQuery/Javascript and PHP or something... Or have a friend with the know-how do it for you, if you don't know how to do that.
Why not export the audio and make a video with the track names, then project that from vlc or some media player.