US-428 vs soundcards


New member

Can anyone tell me some of the advantages/disadvantages of the two options
1) using a us428
2) using a decent soundcard eg Delta 44 or 66 etc

I already know that the Delta s/card has preamps where as the 428 does not. Can I mix using software or is it better to mix before the input reaches the computer.

I'm running cubase and ideally I want to be able to record guitar, bass, vocals etc. I want a decent and at the same time versatile setup without having to spend too much.


Well, i can only really speak from having heard the US428. My friend has been using it for about two months now. The sound quality seems to be very good. It doesn't have any mic preamps or phantom power but it seems to be good for the price.

Basically you mix on the PC. No need for an external mixer when you got this type of setup. I hear the Delta Omni setup is really superb.

Perhaps on advantage of the US428 is that it also has two MIDI ins/outs.

I am seriously thinking of buying one myself but I am going to weigh it against the delta omni which is the same price (Delta Omni is the Delta 6 soundcard + Delta Omni breakout box).