US-122 stuttering


New member
I am just getting started with the US-122 and enclosed Cubase, and I'm not having much luck. I'm running a P3 600mhz, 256 RAM, fresh install of 2000 pro, my chipset is one of the five or so reccomended in the owners manual, and I can't get anything down without the skipping cd effect. I've done a little research which led me to shut down all unneeded stuff in windows(like screensavers, desktop, background, sounds, etc.), I shutdown my ethernet card before launching Cubase, I've installed a USB 2.0 card dedicated to the US-122 (and no other USB devices are plugged in anywhere), I bought a powered USB hub, I've tried different USB ports, and I'm still not making music. I wondered about installing XP, or maybe more RAM, but I tend to think this may be a power issue- I haven't had the guts to try a condenser mike yet, as I figure it will only make it worse. Has anyone else ever had to go this far with the 122 to get it up and running? Any thoughts?
Have you tried messing with the buffer/latency settings in the US-122 control panel? That would be the first thing to try. Increase the latency/buffer size until the stuttering goes away. Your computer is kind of low powered for recording purposes (most folks have at least 512m of ram, many with 2-3g; plus your processor is slow). I'm not sure about win2000. I had it installed for about a week and hated it. XP is far better, imo. I've never had a problem with my US-122 running XPpro on desktops and laptops with at least 512mb ram. If the latency thing doesn't work, it may be time to beef up that computer.
I've got the latency setting maxed out in the 122 control panel. They say this thing will run on a P2 266mhz in the owners manual- shame on them!
You might also try getting rid of the USB hub, if you haven't already. Just plug the Tascam directly into the USB port of the computer.

I started out that way, but I had heard the powered hub would help stabilize the power supply to the 122, and it did seem to help compared to going straight into the USB port.
I got it running

I finally ended up procuring a hotter PC (1.7 GB Celeron) to run as a dedicated unit for the 122, and it seems to be working I'm still only running 256 Ram (until stores open tomorrow), but it's running along without a hiccup. It seems to me that the unit would have a really hard time running correctly on a P2 233mhz machine with 128 MB RAM as outlined in the manual.
Same problem over here :(

I run the us-122 on a evo n800v xp sp2. processor 1.9 ram 256.
i have tried everything (i think but it will not stop clicking. I switched to my old win 98 and there it runs fine???!!!

Anybody help?
Is this update problems from Tascam drivers??

Please help
It seems that Windows XP has some trouble with USB. If you "overload" the port, you'll have problems. I ended up upgrading my computer with 6 USB connections (they're set up as 2 connectors per port). I'm using a dedicated port for my 428. But the darned thing still has some hiccup issues. So.... I'm going to switch over to either a firewire or PCI based interface setup ASAP. On the same note, I didn't have these issues with Win98 on a slower machine. I just couldn't run all the plug-ins I wanted to on it. Best of luck!
On other forums, I have heard of people actually *reducing* buffer size in order to get rid of the much-hated US-122 pops and clicks. They (and stuttering) only happen, I understand, on playback. I am going to be trying that. I am getting those pops and clicks and I am about to throw the thing out the window. My computer is truly a massive machine; it's not the computer's's the Tascam box... --Brad