us-122 problem

You need to give us a ton more information.

What sort of recording device are you using? Where are these USB and signal liltes you speak of; on the recording device, in your tracking software? Does your software recognize the USB device? Have you created and armed a track?

Have you worked through the troublsehooting guide that came with your hardware and/or software? Check the manufacturers web site to see if they can help you with troubleshooting.
my os and recording programs recondnized the new hardware, and there are lights on the hardware that come on indicating that it works, but when i go to record theirs no pulse

i tried with a mic and straight in through my guitar amp, didnt work. i tried conecting the line out to my amp / then my soundcard.. nothing. i contacted technical suport at tascam, no help, he said it was improperly installed wich it isnt im sure.

its conected only to my usb, and i tried connecting it to my soundcard with the line out on the us-122.

i dont know what i havent tried, thanks for your help sir
If you see the signal light on your US-122 light up, your getting signal into the the US-122 and it's probably getting to the computer via the USB interface.

The problem is probably getting your recording software to "see" the signal. I'm not familiar with your recording software but most programs work the same. You open a track and then tell the computer which input or channel to accept a signal from. I think the US-122 also comes with some mixer software so you can tell if the signal is getting into the computer.

Go through the user's guide that came with the US-122 and insure you've followed all the set-up directions. It's usually something simple, when you find out what it is you'll probably smack your forehead.
US-122 problem

I have exactlty the same problem , just bought my US-122 today , using cool edit pro 2 , windows xp- unable to monitor during recording , signal led on device lights , sound is recorded but can't here anything during recording.
Please help, I'm loosing my mind.
either change your playback to your soundcard thropugh controle panel or in cool edit, near the top record button you can choose record or playback, read evrything and fidle around, youll get it,

still cant get it workin ask me