us-122 conflict?

Fire Dome

New member
hey i need some serious help.
a couple of days ago my tascam us-122 started arsing about. the problem is that it seems to freak out my computer when i open a specific project in cubase SL 2.0. Here are some more details. what happens is that when i open up this project the cpu bar shoots up to full and the whole computer freezes and shuts down. Now the thing is that this doesn't happen with the us-122 unconnected and only happens on this particular project.

Now i have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it with all the updates that tascam have made available since i bought it. iu have also tried it in different usb ports and unplugged all unnecessary hardware and other things that may conflict with it but still to no success.

can some one advise me on how to sort this in any way

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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