URGENT. Purchasing drum OHs within the next week or so.

it looks like the cads are a large diaphram, and from the site I looked at they look to be like 200 a piece? I never noticed the studio project c4s, how do those work out? man its getting tough for me to actually make a decision. Im getting so many good tips, but Im not relaly able to narrow down my choices much. id say from what Ive heard, the the oktova mc012s sound good, and groove tubes gt-44s, the cads, the c4s, and the nt5s. This is so hard. I wish i could hear a drum recording with a set of each, so I could noticably tell the difference
drummerfreak33 said:
I was reading this review of the 603s. What about this?

"As much as I like the freak on accoustic guitar, I'd have to strongly warn against using them in a lot of overhead mic'ing situations. The 603 is great on snare. It's got more slap, snap, and pop than you can handle, so that's not the issue. Where it really disappoints is in the way it reacts to cymbals. Place a cymbal anywhere in it's vicinity, and it's like the freak is a hungry kid at fat camp, and the cymbal is a candy bar. What can we do? The freak has a cymbal fetish.. Do not use in the presence of loud, bright, cymbals unless you want them to dominate your mix."

This is the summary from the same review you quoted. Perhaps you didn't read the whole article?

"In summary, the MXL603 is a professional sounding budget-priced small diaphragm condenser. I found it to be an amazing value. In fact it does the sparkly and jangly thing so well, it offers a useful color option even if you've got similar mics going for 10 times its street price. But overall, I can't imagine anyone not being able to find at least one mic'ing situation that strongly endears you to the freak. "
I think I can rule out the AKG C430's for you. They would be okay to pickup some cymbals in a live situation, but they don't do a good job of picking up the whole kit. But the only thing I can make a comparison to is the Neuman KSM overheads, so maybe the other budget mics are just as bad. SP C4's are supposed to be great.
I'm holding out for some Josephson C42's myself.
drummerfreak33 said:
what do you guys think of audix mics? the reason i ask is cause alot of them are made specifically for drums?

If they're the cheaper drum mic kit types, I'd pass.

You have lots of choices, and lots of good ones for the money at that. It is a hard decision, but ultimately, what it comes down to is what you are willing to spend. When you figure that out, it will be a much easier process.
Well Id really like to keep a pair of overheads under or around 300. I would consider going up to like 400, if they are noticably better quality.
It would be worth looking into the new hm1's from kelaudio. They are surprisingly good for the price. They give you a real punchy sound, and they (like the oktavas) are on the darker side, so the symbols sit politely where they should.
Maybe you should go to a music store and try some S/C mics on your own instead of relying on the endless subjective opinions from everybody here and on-line reviewers you've never heard of before.

Oh sorry, that would make sense.
Im thinking about trying to get up to one tomorrow. Im just hoping that they have a decent selection for me to test. Its the only one in the area that might have a decent selection. we shall see
Buck62 said:
Maybe you should go to a music store and try some S/C mics on your own instead of relying on the endless subjective opinions from everybody here and on-line reviewers you've never heard of before.

Oh sorry, that would make sense.

Damn you for your logical thought process. There is no place for that kind of talk on this forum. :p