URGENT!!! Mid-session and I've got CAL P9 error...


New member
I know the procedure to fix the issue, but I can't find the damn handwritten PG number that is supposed to be on the back panel...

The only visible numbers are on what appears to be some sort of potentiometer... typed, starting with RD, then 6 digits, and the other machine RF, and another 6 digits...

HELP!!! Ed???

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound
Back up.....

Explain what you are having a problem with, and exactly what you are looking for?

I am lost here...

On startup, my ADAT XT20 is indicating CAL P9 which is the Calibrate Pulse Generation error....

The following page describes it better than I could:
(http://www.tangible-technology.com/adat/hr_adat.html#CAl p9)

It indicates getting the unit's calibration number off the back of the unit (shining a flashlight into the ADAT), but I couldn't see it... I ended up un-racking the unit and pulling off the back cover... the PG number is there (handwritten by the tech...) I am about to procede with the re-calibration. Have you ever done this? Or know of more details for this procedure??


PS... I had to cancel the session... sent the clients unhappily on their way - the ADAT would no longer sync after getting this error.... man I hate when shit like this happens!!!! *arrrghhh*
Performed the reset... worked perfectly... instructions were bang on (except about where to get the factory settings from).... problem solved...

I wonder if I should call my clients back... damn! this is going to cost me some customer service points!!!

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Ed, nice to know the resources are out there even if Alesis tech support is not!!!! :)


You ever have power supply issues with your ADATs?? After I did this little procedure (above)... it worked for a couple more hours, then reset itself continuously again - once again corrupting the PG setting and requiring brake re-calib... plus it refused to sync with the others anymore...

This unit's only about 7 months old!! I sent it in for servicing.............. according to Alesis PS's on the XT20s almost *never* go out of whack!!! Yeah, right...

So it goes...
