urgent help needed regarding vr 800+vm 200

i'm trying to to add a click track to a pre-recorded song. the song is on CD which is going to the S/P DIF input which has been correctly routed and every thing. The word clock on the vm200 has been set to S/P DIF 44...

for some reason i can get the click from the vr 800 in sync with the signal coming from the cd player through the vm 200.

I'm probably doing something daft as usual.

If anyone has any ideas could they please please please reply asap. I need to sort this out very quickly


It ain't going to happen. There's no sync on the CD to lock the VR to. CD's don't have a time code on them.

There are other ways perhaps.

What are you trying to do?

thanks Terry,

Basically I have some backing tracks (a mix down some some studio tracks that the band I'm in are going to use to boost the live sound a bit). I'm trying to add a click track to make life easier for our drummer. the idea is to pan the click to the left and the backing tracks to the right. The channell with the bacing track in it will be sent to the PA and our drummer will get both tracks though headphones.

I've tried everything i can think of; I've even tried manually triggering a drum machine but that was a dead-end.

I don't think I've explained that very well. I could do it no problem with soundforge or cool edit. :(

Thanks again

That maybe your answer....put it into sound forge create the click on a seperate track and lay it back on the VR....or how about manually putting the click in on a track on the VR
with a cowbell or wood block?

Soundforge or cooledit pro is the best route I'd say. The only thing is that i uninstalled soundforge and i've lost the disc. are there and downloadable demo versions that you know of?

Thanks again
