Urgent Help Needed Plz..preamp Q.

darc mind

New member
Arite i work with a behringer preamplifier hooked up to a MXL V67G condenser...i just need help on the settings of the preamp

Pre amp: Behringer VX2000 Pre-amp

Question: I need help with the settings on it, i need help setting them so they give me real good quality for a rapper. Such as the compresser, the de-esser and the other stuff on it can some one help me with the settings and tell me which ones would give me good clean quality.

I'm not familiar with that unit. Possibly the manual has some advice on initial settings? If not, you're just going to have to mess with it to get a sound you like. If you're recording into a DAW, I wouldn't mess around with the de-esser too much since you can always EQ it later if necessary. As far as the compressor goes, start with the attack and release settings around mid point and dial in the threshold so it's limiting the peaks a few dBs. The Behringer isn't considered I high end unit so I wouldn't expect too much from it.