UR44C iMac setup

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kofis
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New member
Hi, need help with UR44C connection/setup for my iMac (not for Cubase). Gear: macOS Catalina 0.15.7, KRK Rokits6, Yamaha NS10’s (via preamp). I had M-audio firewire 1814 interface before, with 2 outputs, so i simply connected both near fields and monitors and could use either sw controls or hw knobs to use them separately, all at once… and so on. With UR44C dunno how. 2 line outputs and 1 main. Tried combinations like neirfields in main, monitors in line, or both to line… there’s always something doesn’t work right… If main output is not used, output knob does not work. Thanks anyone for help.
Main is the only thing controlled by the volume knob on the UR44C. If you want to control volume of both sets of monitors independently, you'll need something placed after the line out that you choose, though you can possibly control it via the dspMixFx app, where Mix 1 controls L1 and Mix 2 is for L2. If that preamp you're using to drive the NS10s has an output level knob, that should work. Or, you can take an unbalanced feed from one of the headphone outputs if you're not using it, and split that to drive one set of monitors I suppose.

The manual has block diagrams for the device.
USB C to USB C (Or A If that’s all you iMac has) - then outputs to the NS10/KRKs - Or Get a Mackie Big Knob and output the UR44C to it - and then the Outputs to your speakers.