upgrading parts on my guitar


New member
I have been meaning to do some modifications to one of my guitars for a long time. I havn't really used it in a year or so and I'm finding that it does not stay in tune anymore.
It's an ibanez rg370. It plays really well still and everything is good except the tuning problem.
It's a double locking floydrose system that i blocked off thinking that it wasnt tuning properly just because i hadn't had it setup in a while. That isnt' the case aparently.
So i'm thinking maybe it's the tuners slipping?
That's really the only thing i can think of. I tightened the bridge after i fixed up the intonation. So it's not slipping there.

Any ideas?

Also does anyone know where i can pick up sperzel locking tuners? I see on their website they have blue ones that I would like to get but all the stores i see only have chrome, black, and gold.
As far as my knowledge of floyd roses goes; which I don't think is bad at all considering I had an rg for 2 years and still set up my friends rg whenever he does something stupid to it because of his lack of understanding the floyd rose. But I really dont think the tuners will make a difference on it staying in tune if the nut is locked, so you shouldn't waste money on that. Is the problem that it goes out of tune when not even being used, or is it that it goes out of tune really fast when you use the trem?
If it goes out of tune when not being used, it could be that things on the bridge are worn out, like the blocks that push up against the strings to lock them in place, but theres lots of different things that it could be I guess.
If it goes out of tune really fast whenever you use the trem then the knife edges are probably worn out.
It's going out of tune while i'm playing in like 5 min or less.

I'll tune it lock it and it's all well and good but i'll start playing and it's done after a riff or two.
Well it can't be the tuners though if the nut is locked, so that would be a waste of money. It is probably slipping at the bridge.
Is it possible for it to slip at the bridge? I mean it is possible since it's detuning while the nut is locked...but how can that happen? What would I have to replace to fix that?
It is very possible for it to slip at the bridge. Is it locked really tight at the bridge? If it is you would have to take it in to a shop to get it checked out, its hard to say what it is and it will probably be hard to fix.
any guitar will go out of tune after five to ten minutes of holding it against your warm body. Until the guitar reaches "mean temperature" for the time it is played
it will need to be tuned.
But I doubt this has anything to do with your problem.
wang191 said:
It's going out of tune while i'm playing in like 5 min or less.

I'll tune it lock it and it's all well and good but i'll start playing and it's done after a riff or two.

What about not locking the nut [ and yes, of course also not using your trem. during this time] Does it still go out of tune? Just play some chords, some riffs, and if you want to bent, just do it with your fingers but not using trem. See how this goes.

Are your stings new [ Oh I know, silly question eh? ] did you break them in before you started playing "properly". I am sure you have looked at all those things, but if not, you could still try.

I agree with what others have said before about "Understanding how a Floyd Rose works" On an average setting up a floyd rose guitar will take any guitartech a lot longer[ and therefore they will charge you more]. Also putting new stings on a floyd rose guitar and getting them all in tune takes longer too. But yes, after you have them in tune, they will stay in tune [given the fact that the guitar is set-up properly----heh I used to travel to the other end of the country just to get this job done :D this was until I met someone who really listened to how I wanted the guitar to play and feel.----]


To add to what the last guy said about breaking in the strings properly, this is how I always did it, I'm pretty sure its standard. After putting all the strings in and locking everything good, pull up on the string (up meaning away from the body) right by the bridge repeatedly and it should go drastically out of tune, then retune and it should break it in pretty good.
Have you checked the neck bolts? Even a little looseness will cause a lot of tuning problems, especialy if you use heavy strings or play fairly hard.
Yeah I checked all those things....but the strangest thing happened.
Now it's not going out of tune anymore. This is a problem that was happening for at least 4 months. Now it's fine.

The one thing i did was tighten the bridge bolts. The ones where you change the intonation. I adjusted all that and then just made them real snug and it seems to have done the trick. So maybe they were just loose.

Thanks guys.

Now to put the springs back (and see if i can get that working myself) so i can start using the trem.