Upgrading my audio interface....


and really don't know which to choose....While I'm still using the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 (& love it btw, it just doesn't have enough inputs/mic pre's for me...), while the NI interface has 6 inputs/tracks at a time, only 2 of 'em are mic/xlr's. Since switching to real amps/cabs a while back, I usually record a di, an an amp'd track at the same time, but, I can't do more than one mic on my cab all at once, so I'm looking to upgrade...

It'd be nice to be able to record both my amps/cabs at the same time (2 mics: one on each cab/speaker...or if I got brave, do the 2 mic thing on each cab...), while recording a di, if I wanna re-amp later....Plus, I don't see it in my near future, but someday I might even record a drum kit...maybe...:laughings:

I'm looking for reviews/suggestions on these interfaces (and any more that might fit the bill...):

Focusrite Scarlett 18i20:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 USB Audio Interface

PreSonus AudioBox 1818VSL:
PreSonus AudioBox 1818VSL USB 2.0 Audio Interface

I've already heard about the similar Tascam interfaces, but IIRC, they're discontinued, right???

From what I can find, these 2 interfaces would fit my needs, & give me a little room to grow (since I've pretty much outgrown the NI interface)....

It doesn't have to be a rack-mount, but that's a plus (would save some space, & my desk has slots/spaces for 'em), would like to have decent pre's (as good as what I have now, the NI seems to be ok, but I really wouldn't know, as I've never used any high-end pre's...), & possibly 6 tracks at a time (the NI will do this, but again, only 2 of 'em are mic/hi-z/pre's, the other 4 are line inputs)...Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!!!!
Tascam US 1800 still my favorite, and still in production. I did move forward with upgrading, but not because the 1800 was not working well.
Thanks Jimmy,
The Tascam US 1800 is the one I was referring to, I thought they were discontinued...guess I'm gonna have to do some more diggin'....
The model previous to it was discontinued. The US1641. I had that for two years previous to getting the 1800. I really only got that because of an issue with my PC. Thought it might be the interface, and the 1800 was prettier. Ended up not being the issue at all. Members of this site bought both of the interfaces from me. Like to keep it in the family. I would not ever sell something that was crap to a member of a site I frequent. :)
the tascam isn't bad. for the presonus the pre amps are ok, they're a little bit on the edgy side though. The focusrite scarlets and the saffires are very cloudy sounding with dynamic mics.

also I want to point out Stienburg's UR824 and Behringer FCA1616 are nice as well. The Behringer actually sounds like console mic pre's I was impressed they made something no so cheap they sound like Midas Verona mic pre's. The Stienburg's mic pre's have a sound like Yamaha pre's in thier digital mixers.
I'm also considering the Focusrite 18i20 or the 1818VSL. Having never tried either (or the Tascam), all I can do is read stuff.. Users over on the Presonus forums have some pretty scathing things to say about the 1818VSL, which apparently has had some un-addressed issues for the past three years. Presonus recently said, "We're working on it, it's complicated, we can't tell you about it, it's secret." I'm not certain about the Tascam preamps, but I've read quite a few things saying the Tascam wasn't a very good quality piece. Again, I've never tried one... That leads to the Focusrite, which folks seem to worship a little bit.. The only real complaint I've seen about the Focusrite is folks having issues with drivers, but that can be said of any interface.
I'll 2nd the Tascam US-1800.

If you listen to my stuff on Soundcloud, you'll hear the tascam pre's. Plus the US-1800 has 2 guitar/line ins.
Not sure about the other interfaces, however, I do know that the inputs on the 1818VSL are like other Presonus inputs. They are both XLR and 1/4, so you don't need dedicated line ins for guitar.