Upgrading Microphone - Advice Needed Please!

triple cubic

New member
Hello, all.

I'm looking for a little advice. So far, I've bought a Delta 1010 LT soundcard, and I'm recording right now on a Shure SM58 w/ a pop filter.

I'm thinking about upgrading to a condenser mic, but I'm not sure where to turn. I'm a big fan of Shure products, but I've heard great things about Audio-Technica condensers. My questions are:

A) The mics I am considering are:

- Shure KSM27
- Shure KSM32SL
- Audio-Technica 4033
- Audio-Technica 4040
- Audio-Technica 4047

Which one is best for the price? I'm looking to keep it under $500 if at all possible.

B) I need a good source of phantom power if I am going to upgrade, because I don't think my Delta 1010 LT has phantom power as I recall. I've been using the built-in preamps for a while, and they haven't been bad, but I wonder if I could get better quality with an external preamp?

Thanks to everyone for their time and responses on this board. You guys are truly the best on the web when it comes to home recording advice. Much respect to all, and thanks in advance for your help.

- Ryan
Around here the 4033 is very popular. You're going to need an external preamp, however, and there's lots of debate over that.
Dare i say C1 or v67....

There's so many mics and pres in that price class that will drastically improve your vox tracks.

Search around the site because that question of best mic/pre under $____ always comes up. you will find good answers to your exact question in them

triple cubic said:

A) The mics I am considering are:

- Shure KSM27
- Shure KSM32SL
- Audio-Technica 4033
- Audio-Technica 4040
- Audio-Technica 4047

Which one is best for the price? I'm looking to keep it under $500 if at all possible - Ryan

All good mics Ryan, but for $500.00 or less, there are lots of options. You may want to look at a multi-pattern mic as well, because in your price range, you can afford one. While Cardioid seems to be the pattern of choice, having three patterns allows you to do more, with more control. Sort of a mic you can grow with as well.

Good Luck!
Thanks everyone for responding. I'm using a dynamic mic right now (SM58), and it's decent quality, but I have to filter it a lot, compress the vocals, etc. And, that's really not something I enjoy doing, plus I think I could get better sound from a condenser.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of choices for under $500 (believe me, I have researched), but I really have my heart set on one of the mics I've mentioned.

I know the 4033 has a great reputation. Anyone here using a Shure condenser, though? How has it been for you?

Feel free to chime in and make me two cents richer.

Y'all rock. :)

- Ryan
Uh, actually I was thinking of something a little more high grade than that, but I'm always afraid to post it here because I'm usually overruled here by the condensor crowd, and probably rightfully so, BUT... HEY, I'M ONE NOTE JOE!!!!

MD-441U. Period. The best dynamic mike you can find, beg, buy, barrow, or buy anywhere.

If you have noise problems in your room, You won't have them if you use this mic. The response is FLAT to 8K with a little rolloff of highs at 18K. This is the BEST dynamic mic on the market and everyone who's anyone knows it. Whether they admit it or not. You will love the way it excludes the room. All you get out of this mic is what you put into to it at about two inches.

You get a bass roll-off and an attenuator for the highs. Ten, count 'em 10 possible settings for this mic.

It is clean, quiet, shockproof, and damn near drop proof. Best bang for the buck in a dynamic you will EVER get.

OK. RANT for the MD-441U OFF!
I recently acquired an Audio Technica AT 4033 on eBay for only $217.50. It's in great shape and I'm thrilled with it. I've compared it to the Shure KSM32SL and found it to be a hair brighter, though not unpleasantly so. I also liked the Shure though, it was a tad "warmer" to my ear.

The other day I saw another AT4033 on eBay (without shockmount) go for $145!! So, you might want to consider that as a starter...
Dynamic Vocal:
Shure SM7
Around $330 at 8th street.
Great vocal sound, and you wont need phantom power.
(I have 2 of these!)

Condensor Vocal:
There's a myriad of choices here.
I'd suggest a search too, see what other people are using, and how the like them.
I use the following condensors for vocals:
BLUE Mouse
Studio Projects T3

Ribbon Vocal
I use an RCA 77DX (out of your price range)
But I have heard good comments on the Octava Ribbons;
Don't have one, and haven't heard it though.
I gotta ask, does anyone besides me think that the MD-441U
is a good mic?

No one ever recommends this mic except me I and I can't figure out why?...?

It's been around since Harvey was a corporal, and I was baby, and I mean that in the best way, especially if Harvey has served our country...But.....

But I'd still llike to know why no one EVER recomends this mic?

It's the best dynamic mic ever made, and since I've been here no one has ever argued that.

So why is every one so silent about this mic??? Except me?

Are people afraid to use a dynamic to record a vocal with? NO! it's not the studio standard. Oh my God, he's using a dynamic mic to record me! OMIGAWD! Why don't I have this big mic hanging down in front of me do this take???
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A Shure SM7 needs a good powerful mic pre BTW.
A nice condenser would be a simpler immediate path,
unless you're having major acoustic problems and don't want
to "adapt" accordingly.
Ryan, after you select one may be the time to consider something
like a dynamic microphone.
There a some mic pre's for under $200 with phantom power
like the Studio Projects VTB-1 that you could look into also.

Sennheiser, actually the Sennheiser 421 MKII works quite well
on my (mellow type) voice. This new model sounds brighter than
the 421U, so on a brighter sounding singer you'd have to watch
out for sibilance and harshness IMHO. It's nice, however, to have
the option of the greater detail of a condenser available.

Sennheiser -

I, for one, have always appreciated your recommendation. I am very eager to try that mic, especially on my acoustic guitar.

Whenever I have gone to get it on eBay (which is the only place I can presently afford stuff) it consistently comes in at $350+. At least for now, for the next few months, I can never pay that much at one time.

But I personally do promise to get a hold of one, and when I do, I suspect I will be backing you up.
Thanks Chess. But I was talking about the MD-441U German Engineered, German Built, MD-441U.

The MD-421U IS a very good mic for many different vocals, as well snare and hi-hat and many brass intruments.

I just can't understand why no one EVER recomends this (441U) mic for a studio a vocal except me...especially when it sounds so damn good.
Sennheiser--I have had the pleasure of using one a long time ago as a hi hat mic, and it was wonderful for that. It was rented, so I didn't get to keep it for furthur use. My guess is that most people on this board don't have one or any experience with one. Thats why you don't get the comments back. On my list, I have both a 421 and 441. I think they are incredible dynamic mics--better than the 57's and such. On HR, though, bang for the buck rules and a $79 SM57 is the first thing we might tend to go for. Then, a praised low budget LD condenser, like the C1, V67 or AT 4033. I don't think most of us know how cool the 441U actually is, but its on my list for the mic locker.
Thank you Guardian and Crawdad. Finally, someone that recognizes the excellence of this microphone, and Sennheiser products in general.

No one even knowns about the mic unless they see it used.

It has a bit of visual history behind it...starting about 1981.
crawdad, with all due respect, on some voices a '57 will sound BETTER
than a $5,000+ microphone. Steven Tyler for example, sounds terrific
on one. And if I was singing in a Rolling Stones tribute band, I'd be
diving for a SM57 or SM58 in a flash!


P.S. Must admit though that a Sennheiser 441 is on my gearlust list.
Try the fleetwood mac records that feature Stevie Nicks and her solo stuff, I understand thats the only one she will use. I think that the reason Sennheiser hasnt seen anyone post about it is because no one will diss agree with him.
Songs with the MD-441

I wasn't going to post this because of the nasty ground loop buzz, but what the hell.

It was caused from hooking my system up to the computer. I've since fixed it, but I didn't re-upload the songs. Try to ignore it. It's not on the recordings.