Upgrade to Sonar 6 studio


New member

I am currently running Guitar Tracks Pro 3. I can upgrade to Sonar 6 studio for $149 - is it worth it? I am primarily interested in the SONAR engine - is it significantly better than Guitar Studio?

....I was hoping for a little more detail....anyone know what generation the audio engine in Guitar Tracks 3 is.....is it based on any of the Sonar engines? What differeces should I expect?


mcmd said:
....I was hoping for a little more detail....anyone know what generation the audio engine in Guitar Tracks 3 is.....is it based on any of the Sonar engines? What differeces should I expect?



GT3 is gettin pretty old now. It's based on the Sonar 3 engine which was released 3 or 4 years ago.

I'm in the same boat and considering an upgrade from GT3. However I'm trialling Reaper at the moment and I have to say, if they get the UAD-1 bugs sorted, I'll be jumping ship. Can't go wrong for $40
I've been using GTP3 for 1.5 years or so. It is a great fairly simple program to use. I recentley purchased Sonar 6 Studio primarily for the MIDI support. But there is a lot of other great reasons I'm finding out.

I paid $200 plus shipping and handling. I believe it was called a competitive upgrade for other products cakewalk products were not included.

Any way I just skipped over the product and SN and ordered as usual.