Upgrade to Record Drums


New member
Hey everyone, first post here.
I've been recording for a while with an Mbox-2. Just from being involved in music for so long, I have a decent amount of experience with the software side of recording. But I've really never needed to get into the hardware portion of things as one of my old band-mates had a decent setup.
Anyways, recently my band went in an interesting direction, and long story short: we're going to record drums with a modest setup (5 mics).
After doing some research, I've realized how little I know as far as hardware goes and I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction.
The biggest problem is that my computer does not have a firewire port...only USB-2. I have a Dell N7110 if that helps at all. Should I run a mixer into the mbox and consolidate channels? I see why that could be problematic, though. Should I just resell the mbox and grab a different setup entirely? I probably have only $1500 max to spend, but I have mics. I'm also using Reaper for a DAW lately.

What do I need to be able to record drums and get a decent sound (beside what I can do with mixing)? New interface, mixer, new computer? Can I pull off using USB? sorry for the bombardment, but I'm getting pretty confused and all we want to do is play.

Thank you a ton in advance :)
Your instincts are correct; using a mixer into the Mbox, while possible, isn't the optimal way to go. $1500 to spend on a new interface is plenty; there are many interfaces that can do 8 simultaneous inputs for half that amount. USB-2 isn't the fastest, but should handle 8 tracks fine. Maybe buy a firewire card, if you have an available port. Good luck!
The Tascam us-800 was selling for about $100 or so a month back! That thing has 6 XLR inputs so it might be just the thing you need. And it's usb 2.0! Of course, you've got quite the large budget, so you could climb the quality ladder pretty high if you wanted to ;)
I've heard some sweet things about Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 interface. Though it's only got 4 inputs. 2 pres, 2 line ins. And it's $300.

Or you could just get a steinberg ur824.
Thanks for the input! currently checking out the UR series. There's four people's money in the pool so we're set on getting an AI that'll satisfy our project for at least a few years. If it were just me, I'd definitely consider some of the lower cost AIs mentioned--but then again, if I weren't in this project, I'd just toy around with the Mbox. Any other interfaces people have and swear by?
I have the Roland Quad Capture, which I'm very happy with (in a total noob kind of way), they also do an Octa-Capture, which costs around £500 here. That might fit the bill.
I am in a very similar predicament. MBox2 and I have been recording with 6 mics (want to go to 8 mics). I am mixing down to two tracks via a Soundcraft E6 mixer and splitting the signal left and right (I hope that is the right thing to do) and then building the mix from there. It is important that I set my EQ properly as there is no turning back and I lose some ability to shape the sound however I am getting pretty reassonable results so far. I also have a 003R so I could record 4 inputs in to the 003R and two in to the MBox 2????

I am in a very similar predicament. MBox2 and I have been recording with 6 mics (want to go to 8 mics). I am mixing down to two tracks via a Soundcraft E6 mixer and splitting the signal left and right (I hope that is the right thing to do) and then building the mix from there. It is important that I set my EQ properly as there is no turning back and I lose some ability to shape the sound however I am getting pretty reassonable results so far. I also have a 003R so I could record 4 inputs in to the 003R and two in to the MBox 2????


Is there any way you could soundcloud your results? I'd like to hear just to know my options :)
This get said WAY to much on this site, but it sound slike you could really benefit fromt he Tascam US1800, which is and AMAZING deal for $300 bucks. you may think it's overkill, I used to thinkt hat two. But you won't be dissatisfied when you realized the myriad of possibilities it'll give you.