unleashing the black diamond


New member
Hey all,
I have a small outfit called steel petals that I'd like some of you to check out. I do it all myself except for once in awhile I have a friend of mine chirp in with his own touch. But most of it, guitars, drums, vocals, bass, recording, mixing and mastering are all mine for the blame.
It's zeppelin meets hendrix meets the black crowes and james gang....I think. I gotta new one called black diamond that's pretty chilled. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
great singing, but the vocal was recorded pretty harsh...almost clipping...nice guitar playing, but the lead was sorta left all on its lonesome in one channel....this is nice vintage style work, but the bottom could really come up, wanna hear some bass, some kick...eq on the voice might work to tone down the harsh, but really I think it was the recording level.....I realize y'all are only two people, but in the recording of your stuff, if you try to imagine the sound of four people playing live, you could probably translate what it should sound like recorded...if that makes any sense at all...great playing, though, but I don't think the recording is doing you justice......just my opinion...gibs
Gibs, I think WinAmp is messin' with us... I SWORE I had my speakers set up right, and sure enough, that guitar lead is on the RIGHT. Using balance control, ran to the left, and realized my speakers were reversed (at work, btw, not on the system at home, which would make me look dumber). But that lead is on the right, and it seems the whole mix is, too. Would maybe send the whole mix left 5 or 10 points out of 50left/50right.

hey, rolson, bring yer vocals up a bit. Listening to "Save me Jesus" now, needs a bit more presence in yer voice. Just a bit, maybe 1-3 dB.
Thanks guys,
I most certainly appreciate the feedback and will take all of what you have stated to heart. Honest feedback is a big help to me. There's only one way to get better and that's by listening ti people like you guy.