Unknown Radio (old Indie:Indie...)


New member
Hey, gang. I've been MIA for a while, but I wanted to tell you that Indie:Indie Radio (for those of you who were around then) has been reincarnated as Unknown Radio.

I really need to play some great new music, so please come and submit your stuff. I'm already playing some great HR.com artists, and need some more!


If you have mp3's send them to artists@unknownradio.com

If not, it'll be hard for me to play your music :)


Big updates on the site and on the webcast. Come and check out the new UKR if you haven't already.

I've got a bunch of HR.com artists in the rotation, and I always welcome more! Submission info is on the site.
Guys, I listen to this station all the time. It's awesome. There's so much great talent out there and Erik, (being a musician probably helps) has an ear for great music. I've heard some stuff on this station that I can't wait to hear again it's so good.