Underoath affects pedal?


New member
does any1 know what kind of pedal effects underoath uses in "act of depression" or most of there songs. for chorus of coarse.
msblaze said:
does any1 know what kind of pedal effects underoath uses in "act of depression" or most of there songs. for chorus of coarse.

any1? gonna buy a pedal soona nd need ot know which to buy...
msblaze said:
any1? gonna buy a pedal soona nd need ot know which to buy...

Why don't you just go some place where you can try them out? I always try out pedals before I buy them.
metalhead28 said:
Why don't you just go some place where you can try them out? I always try out pedals before I buy them.

i probably will, but i just wanted to know if i could know what kind of pedals to try.
msblaze said:
i probably will, but i just wanted to know if i could know what kind of pedals to try.

The ones in your price range :D Don't mean to be a jerk but seriously, try and come up with your own sound. Need a distortion pedal? Try some distortion pedals. Interested more in a multi-effects processor? Try some out! Ask the salesman.
your not helping give him what he wants not what you want to give him!

here from the underoath website:


I use a 99' Black SG Standard through a Peavey 5150 II Head and an Orange 4x12 and 2x12.
I have a tuner too...so that's pretty cool...hah.


I play a 1960 reissue gibson les paul aby to a orange ad140 twin channel amp head through
a 1970 Marshall 8x10 cabinet and a 1974 Marshall Super Lead 100 through a orange 4x12 cabinet.
I use cables and a boss pedal tuner. Its pretty simple just turn up loud and rock!
Go to ebay and get a Boss Ce-2. It is by far the best chorus pedal for the money. This model was around in the 80's. If you want a new chorus pedal that is going to be worth having, your going to spend 200+ on a boutique type box. I would stay away from fake sounding multi fx processors. They don't make stomp boxes like they use to.
disreguard my previous post I misread your original post. Your looking for distortion. I have always use distortion from a tube amp.