Unable to mix down to MP3 in Cubase Artist 6


New member
When I try to mix down to mp3 in Cubase Artist 6, I get the following error messages and the mixdown fails: "No more encodings" and "A disk overload occurred during the export". My VST Performance meter shows a very modest level of system usage. Any ideas?
Just looked at the Comparison Chart, it's an add-on. So you probably got 20 free MP3 encoders and now you have to buy an upgrade to get unlimited. One of the things that sucked about Cubase.

But no problem, just export to a wav file and find a converter online for free. Audacity comes to mind.
Thanks to everyone that took the time to reply. Greatly appreciated. I didn't realize the ability to mix to mp3 was an add on. I'll try the idea of mixing to WAV and converting. Great suggestion. You know, Cubase is a powerful program and I've used various versions over the years, but I never get away from the fact that Steinberg nit picks and over-controls every aspect of their software and squeezes out and extra dollar for every little thing. That just seems to be their corporate mindset. Sorry, venting now. Back to work...