"Un-live" recordings for personal use

Claude G

New member
Harvey: I bet no one has asked about this. Here is the story - I started recording myself in my home studio as I played my trumpet along with the Ebersole practice CDs (Rythm tracks). Bear in mind that I don't have a "commercial studio" and I just do this for my personal study archives. However, having been a pro musician who has been playing the horn for a good 30- some years, I wanted to do a good job of recording these "perfomances" the best way I could.

Well, some of these recordings are pretty well recorded, but in general, I find it hard to match my live horn with the CD tracks. I'll give you my tracking chain and maybe you can recommend a better way to do this.

I play the CD thru a DBX comp, but using only the gate feature so as to eliminate any hiss/noise from the tarcks. This track goes into my Tascam DA-38. On playback thru a Soundcraft M series board I record my trumpet to the DA-38 tape thru a Grace design 101, Audioarts 1200 comp, using a Rode NTK. I run a Mixroom spring reverb to the board.

The result is ok but not great...do you see any flaws, shortcomings off-hand? How can I improve the trumpet sound to make it closer to the CD tracks? Thanks for any advice you can give me.