Ultralite + DAV BG-1 or Metric Halo ULN-2?


New member
I've been hanging around and posting on Gearslutz lately, and I feel as though this may have put my standards way out of whack. I'm realizing that I don't need high-end gear to get really good sound, but GS seems to have planted this thought in my head. That being said, I still want quality recordings worthy of being released on an independent label.

So right now, I'm considering either an Ultralite with a DAV BG-1 or a Metric Halo ULN-2. If I were to get the ULN-2, I would be using its pres. How do you guys suspect these two set ups would compare? I will primarily be recording acoustic guitar, but also drums and percussion.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
