Ultimate recording computer, suggestions?


New member
I am new to the forum and to computer based recording. I have an old pentium computer with Cubase I am using at the moment. However I am in the market for a new computer.

Can you please give me suggestions on the ultimate set up for recording, ie hard drive type/size, processor type/speed, sound card software etc etc etc. PC's or Macs(I know nothing about macs)

Or links to sites with that info

I am probably looking at about $2-5K.

Also, I know macs used to be considered as the way to go, is this still true? Or is the PC world catching up?

Lastly, does anyone make a rackmounted computer case?

Thanks for the help guys
Well, go to the NSA and pickup a second hand Cray supercomputer, that should support at 12 tracks simultaneously, possibly even with an efect or two on three of those tracks....oh sorry, budget of 3-5K, whoops.

OK, you'll never get the ultimate setup for 5k, but you will get a very very nice piece of kit. Have a look around some of the computer places that produce DAW's, - that will give you and idea of what is required.

Lastly, cruise the old posts - there are tons of threads asking similar questions, so you'll find some answers there. 5K does give you a fair bit or room to move.

Rackmount computer cases can be had - www.wavestation.com sell them for $349. These are shock mounted pro rack cases - others are available out there.

- gaffa
Went down to wavestation.com
and they refused entry to me 'cause they said I "Was not Moose"
Wassup wit dat?
Actually, I think I screwed the website up - it's supposed to be www.wavedigital.com . That'll teach me recite web addresses off the top of my head and not check them first. Naughty me.

sorry to all concerned :)

- gaffa
Remember that computer pricing is a moving target. I just upgraded with a Dell, and between the time I got the final quote at 10:00 A.M., and placed the order (around 2:00 P.M. the same day) they went through a product upgrade. I got a slightly better cache and the price went down ten bucks.
I've cruised the Wavedigital site and done a lot of comparison shopping and from what I see, Wavedigital is way expensive. They do claim to use a heavy duty chassis in their PCs so there's less worry about screwing up your connections if you move the computer around. I don't know how true this is. They do, however, have a lot of useful info on their site and will give a clearer picture of what you need.


You should also consider custom audio computer setups by soundchaser. The website is www.soundchaser.com . They have three main models that you can customize with the soundcard and software of your choice. If I remember correctly, I think that they have rack versions. The prices are right in line with your budget.

One thing that soundchaser does, which is invaluable to new home/project recordists... They test out the computer and tweak it for the best performance. With your budget you could get their high performance model. When I was in the market for a DAW, I didn't have the budget for one of their units, but in retrospect with all of the pain and suffering that setting up my computer caused me, I may have been willing to "find" the cash for one of theirs.

Rev E