Ultimate Newbie


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I am simply a musician who has recorded demos in several "bad" studios around Atlanta. These studios were traditional in nature in that they were hardware based (large mixers, DAT machines, compressors, etc.) I want to build a studio in my basement which is PC based to serve the local music community. I've figured out the essentials to soundproofing and building the room(s) - control room and practice room - that's not an issue. My question pertains to equipment...

My PC is a P3, 800Mhz w/ 512 RAM and 80 gig hard drive. I have purchased Sonar v.1, but haven't decided on a soundcard. Any suggestions on soundcards?

Also, what other equipment (besides mics) do I need to get a sound good enough for cutting demos? Should I invest $$ in other rack components?
Look at M-Audio soundcards:

They have all type of soundcard ranging from 2ins/2out to 10ins/10out. The Audiophile 2496 seems to be a great choice for people on a budget. 4ins/4out which runs for 230$ on their website (thought you can have it for a bit less on others websites...)

If you feel you want to invest more you could go for a MOTU soundcard:

These cards cost a bit more but people told me that they were 'better'. Can't testify.

Hope I helped a bit,
You can try and use your computer to replace everything but if you really want pro results you will most likely end up with a mix of outboard gear and software tools.

I use a PC similar to yours and I mainly use it as a multi track with Logic. You can get some real time effects but for Pro quality verb and compression you will really need some serious CPU power or better yet pro outboard units.

You will still need Preamps and/or a mixer.
VOXVENDOR - Is the Digi001 and ProTools LE worth returning my unopened Sonar software to the store?

Hate to ask this... which is better ProTools LE or Sonar?
The Computer is only suitable as a means to master on,MIDI sequencing, and Burning CDs.

Using a mouse to move more than one fader at once, ajusting pans in real time, and avioding latency is almost imposible.

Digi 001 is maybe the one system I would get If I cosidered the option but virtual engineering hold no quarter to the real thing.
scuppari said:
VOXVENDOR - Is the Digi001 and ProTools LE worth returning my unopened Sonar software to the store?

Hate to ask this... which is better ProTools LE or Sonar?

Get rid of Sonar... Yeah.... I mean in my opinion....

I have never used sonar.. but I have never been in a pro studio that uses it, and none of my "recording buddies" use it either....

Man, pro tools is industry standard and simple to use, yet powerful...

Don't mess with the other shit (in my opinion)

Email me, I will give you all the help you need... I will even teach you how to use it...

I had never even looked at a computer for recording let alone used one, and I was tracking and editing within 1 hour of cracking the box.... no BS

By the way, just for added info... the band Garbage did alot of the editing and arranging, on there new album with Digi 001 systems they each had at there homes...