Uigg - Crawl


New member
Uigg - Crawl (Death/thrash metal)

My band Uigg is currently working on our second album, titled Of Moose And Men. We are still in the tracking stages but we had everything done for one song and I wanted to hear some feedback on my preliminary mixing/mastering. Please feel free to tear this apart, I want honest and complete feedback here.

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Im lost with this kinda stuff Trevor...

Id say it all sounded pretty clean to me...nothing jumped out at me level wise, I could make out the bass....were you sidechaining it with a kick...as during the rapid fire kicks it seemed to pump a bit, im on PC speakers so I may be mistaken

performance wise all sounded pretty tight and professional...the vocals may be a little bit low...

sorry cant be more help...you should have wrote metal in the title, theres enough fans of this stuff here to help more :o

Oh and 10/10 for the album title :)
Thanks for the tip re: thread title, I didn't think of that.

There's no sidechaining going on. I personally haven't heard any "pumping" issues, but you aren't the first to mention it. I'm curious if it is in fact a speaker config issue or not.

Oh, and if you like the title, I look forward to posting the album artwork for you to see :)
It sounds super good although I prefer vocals like this to be lower guttural. It sounds too weak Panteraish. A lot of times bands are in the verge of being super heavy, but try not to cross over into the extreme. I like it more then boundaries are pushed a lot harder.

It sounds like there is some space that could be filled in. Like maybe the guitars have too much high end and could use some EQ to fatten up the sound a little.