Ugly Guitars


New member
The inspiration for this thread? I just saw one of those 1995 Std Strats (red in this case) with the matching colored headstock on ebay. Thank god for this forum because I needed somwhere to express my feelings of how ugly that is! It looks like a someone took a typical strat and dipped the head in Kool-Aid. I'm sure many of you will disagree.

Anyway, I think it's a great topic for discussion. And remember, the more expensive the ugly guitar, the more pathetic it becomes (i.e. it would not have been so bad in the case above if Fender had done it to a Squier!).

Fire away. What's the ugliest guitar you've ever seen?
hixmix said:
Any of those pointy, sharp angled electrics

I call them "spandex/hairspray guitars". Hamers and Deans in particular. Also, those Washburn electrics (anything that Paul Stanley played).
Fuck Carter, is that a trick question?....and you made me curse....ok, im not drunk and I SWEAR Buck had a post with some ugly ass guitars in it ...i mean butt couldnt get this ugly out of a Sears catalog.....somebody please tell me they saw I going crazy?....
Maybe LordDiaphram showed up and deleted it because they were too friggin ugly....
I must be cursed.
All my guitars have been very good looking, thank you very much.

I've seen some amazingly ugly shit worth more than my net worth displayed at the hall of lame at the Gibson exhibit at NAMM.

How do you all feel about painting complex religious murals on guitars?
Note: "religion" in the context of this question applies to Elvis as a religion as well.
I must be cursed.
All of my guitars have been very good looking, thank you very much.

Even my first guitar, a very shitty imitation of a Gibson L4.

I've seen some amazingly ugly shit worth more than my net worth displayed at the hall of lame at the Gibson exhibit at NAMM.

How do you all feel about painting complex religious murals on guitars?
Note: "religion" in the context of this question applies to Elvis as a religion as well.
Now theres a echo here....and Codys name is showing his registration date as Dec 1969....I think the site has been hacked...if it goes down we can all meet at VSPlanet......
Oh boy...

Here's my two bits.

Anything made by Teisco.
Some Harmony electrics like the"Rebel"
Hofner basses - the "violin shaped" ones
like Paul McCartney played. Doubles as
a boatpaddle.
Semihollowbody basses with the big gaudy
F holes.
Bad quality copies of any noteworthy guitar.
Imitation is not always the sincerest form of

1. Heavy-Axes with f-holes (or f-hole printing)... hello mr. gilbert
2. Les Pauls with f-holes (or "how to turn a very beautiful guitar into a piece of shit")
3. Teles with f-holes
4. Ibanez with that hole-handle (or -hilt? don't know the right word), reminds me a bit of an M-16.

... did I mention that I hate f-holes? ;)
Don't feel bad Gidge, I saw Buck's post too. But then again, I was wearing the special glasses.

Yeah. What is it with "gold" hardware. It makes a great looking guitar look like a pimp. And most of the time the plating is so thin, even on really expensive guitars, it wears away in no time and makes the guitar look even shittier.