U-87 shopping... help a brotha out!

Sky Pilot

New member
Anyone know of a good source/price on a new U87?
I remember a while back it was posted that they were
less in certain parts of western europe, but it appears
things may have changed. Figures cus I'm going to
Germany & UK in May...

What the best legit price/source that anyone knows
of right now? (I know typically they are seen for aprox
2300. US in most mags.)

Much appreciated,
Sky Pilot
There is a guy on ebay who specializes in Neuman mics. His prices are much better than what you posted. The catch is that these are "grey market" items which have no US warranty. Of course he states that he will replace any defective mic. I've never done business with him but considered a new 87 recently.
If I were you I would seriously consider getting an older U87. According to many audio pro's they are less bright and have an overall more desirable sound. Also you can find them between $1200 - $1500 on ebay almost all the time.

If you are bent on getting a new mic, Soundelux has a mic called the ifet7 that would be worth taking a look at. It has two completely different sets of electonics inside switching it from a U47 fet sound to a U87 sound. U47 is labeled I and U87 is labeled V. I assume these mean instrument and voice. It can be had for less than the price you'll get on a new U87ai.

Get it on ebay, you'll end up paying around $1500. don't forget to get the shockmount with it.
Sky, be aware that a Stephen Paul microphone is coming out via
Studio Projects. He's the guy THEY go to for technical help.

Thanks everyone for the help.

I guess I should also clarify "why" a U87. I am launching
a new studio biz, and unfortunately there is a need for
marketing reasons to have some pieces of "classic" gear
in order to appear professional or almost worthy in my market.

Having mics from Nuemann is almost a requiremnt because
my competition offer/push them in their advertisements.
It's a bizzare form of bragging rights I guess.

Guess I'll keep checking e-bay!
Sky Pilot
Sky, if anything the Stephen Paul mike should have MORE prestige
than a Neumann (gasp!)-at least to anyone with knowledge of
his modifications. And if they don't, that's why you include an explanation of how gear like this is better than your competition.

Why keep the playing field level? :)

Hey Chessparov,
Gotta say the Steven Paul is very intriguing to say the least.
I just wish "someone" over at Studio Projects would spill the
beans. Give us somethin' to chew on... :)

Ok, check this out. Here is the update on pricing out
a new U87.

After looking on ebay & checking with most of the musician mag
companies out there prettending to be your "'friend", I found a
legit company that is in Liverpool UK that sells them for $1499 US
with $35 for shipping! No body else in the US that I talked to
would price match. Sweetwater wouldn't get that sweet.

This makes me really question how much they jack us for on a
regular basis here is the US. Most places will price match to
remain competetive, but not on this! God bless the Queen!

Food for thought,
Sky Pilot
You SURE you want a new u87? For that price you could probably get an old one in fairly good condition.

P.S. - The real deal from that company are the pairs of akg 451s ($550 for a matched pair)
there was a nice u87 tube on ebay last week for 1200.. much cleaner and a better sound than the u87ai.. it had the tube kit power supply and i think it even had a shockmount
Sky Pilot said:
Having mics from Nuemann is almost a requiremnt because
my competition offer/push them in their advertisements.
It's a bizzare form of bragging rights I guess.

That makes sense if you are catering to established pros. I've yet to find an amateur musician who has any idea what I'm talking about when I mention gear brands.

Although if they know anything it is ProTools and Neuman.
TexRoadkill said:
That makes sense if you are catering to established pros. I've yet to find an amateur musician who has any idea what I'm talking about when I mention gear brands.

Although if they know anything it is ProTools and Neuman.

Very true!:mad: I gotta get a TLM103 just to say I've got a Neumann.:D

Henri Devill said:
Very true!:mad: I gotta get a TLM103 just to say I've got a Neumann.:D

Add an old computer running PT free and you have yourself a ProTools/Neuman studio :D

Actually it's sad.

FBstdminime said:
Actually I don't think that tube kit included a u87 (just tube and supply)... not 100% sure.
nope is was everything.. i was gonna get it but i didn't have the money