Tx81Z problem / power supply replace ?


New member
I have a Yamaha Tx81z synth rackmodule that is physically making humming sound (though not through the audio out)
I tried out grounding the chassis to a wall receptical screw, it caused the electrical tingling to be lessened, but the unit still makes a lot of noise and really it shouldnt need that extra grounding if it is working properly or else it would have come with a 3prong power cable I assume. One interesting thing is that when the power cable (which is two-prong of equal size and meant to be plugged in either way it seems) is plugged in one way it causes heavy electrical tingling/vibration on the surface of the Tz81z even when it is not turned on (!)

Upon opening the chassis , the power transformer seems to have bubbled (goo/sealant that has aparently melted, but is solid at room temperature) , whatever that means, so there is probably something wrong with the transformer if nothing else. The humming/vibrating seems to be coming from the internal power transformer, and is amplified when the chassis enclosure.

* Im wondering what would be the easiest/cheapest way to get a replacement power transformer for it?

* and is it probable that the transformer being bad is the only problem or are there probably resistors/capacitors that need replaced also ?

Yamaha TX81Z power transformer:
4 8S008H

Tx81z power reqirements/comsumption:
AC 110-120V , 50/60Hz 8W

thanks alot
ahh, another tx81z user! there aint many of you around! lol. that unit is fab, it's so damn cheesey.

ive noticed a very slight hum when i put my ear near the unit, but nothing as bad as you described.
hmm, id look for another one. it'll be very hard to find one. i doubt yamaha will help. see n electrical repair guy near you. see if they are any help/.