Two Track on and Eight Track


New member
Don't mean for this to sound stupid, but I am playing a two track 15ips reel to reel tape on a Fostex 80 8 track player/recorder. I notice all the channels light up. Am I best to use the #2 channel and the #6 channel to create the stereo output from the machine or, besides an 8 track mixer, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help, in advance.
What you are doing is considerably less than ideal but if that's all you have to work with:

Use the 2 channels that exhibit the strongest signal for your left/right playback. Listening to all 8 output channels of the machine through a mixer is apt to introduce phase anomalies within the respective halves of the tape.
Would I be correct to assume the first four channels are the first track and the second four channels (5-8) are the second stereo track?