Two sounds cards... latency issues


New member
I am using a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz card (4 inputs) and an additional Creative PCI whatever (2 inputs).

When i do a recording, the wav blocks from the creative card, don't match up with the blocks from the turtle beach card. There's usually a delay from the creative card. Both cards are using WDM drivers. Is there some kind of setting i need to change? I wouldn't mind adding latency to the turtle beach card because I don't use software monitoring anyway. Has anyone expirienced a similar problem with two cards? Thanks.
You cannot use 2 different soundcards simultaneously to do multitrack recording. Each card has its own clock crystal to keep timing needed to determine sample rates and unless they are synced togther somehow, they will drift apart.

The Delta series cards from M-Audio have this type of functionality which lets you daisy chain up to 4 cards.
yep, i think he is right............

brzilian said:
You cannot use 2 different soundcards simultaneously to do multitrack recording. Each card has its own clock crystal to keep timing needed to determine sample rates and unless they are synced togther somehow, they will drift apart.

The Delta series cards from M-Audio have this type of functionality which lets you daisy chain up to 4 cards.

have you ever noticed they sell 'master clocks' that do nothing but output a jitter free (ok, ok, highly jitter reduced, then) and the higher end stuff has a 'master word clock in' connection, even though it may have its own internal clock.?
All Creative cards run natively at 48kHz and the Santa Cruz probably is running at 44.1khz.... any guesses as to why they don't sync?????

Trying to get multiple i/o out of cheap cards is a fool's errand. Bite the bullet, mow some yards and get a real multiple i/o card.