Two songs for review


New member
I wasn't sure on putting two threads or not, so I'll just make both songs on one (typing conservation).

Harp Roll (12/09/04) --

I recorded this rythm a while ago and just started harp about a month back. I came upon this rythm and decided "Hey! Let's throw some harp and see if I can make it sound decent" and here it is! lol

I'm not pro, plan on being, or looking to be rich from playing. I have everything I need in a great woman, an amazing daughter and a rewarding pasttime. What more can one ask for? ;)

CS: Down Home Blues (11/?/04) --

The owner of Creation Studios and I sat down and decided we needed something to put on out video stuff. We are both into the blues and love slide stuff and harp as well. Ken threw some harp and rythm as I slid out some steel. Nothing perfect, but just something that I hope you can all enjoy.
13 reads and no comments? I'm sure that there are some people that can give some good critique out there. Just asking for some input. ;)

Thanks in advance...
I know what you mean about how people read, listen and don't reply. They do it to me all the time (jerks).

Anyways, I think in the harp song, you need to have the acoustic louder, and less bottom end. Then about three quarters the way thru, we lose like half the reverb on the harp, after a banging noise. I like the obsene amount of reverb on that thing however.

I enjoyed listening to the songs, because I am a big fan of blues (can't play it, but love to listen). I especially liked the Slide Guitar song for the slide guitar.

Now that's the BLUES...if that's your first recording on harp, you have nothing to worry about :-) Gut-bucket Delta 'raise-the-dead' all the way.

The studio cut: beatiful too. Your slide style reminds me of a player named Terry Garland, slashing edge to it, along with some of the biggies like Elmore James...

Would love to hear you in a slightly bigger band setting...put you picked the right instruments, for sure.


Thanks guys. Nothing like hearing those kinds of comments on a chilly Texas morning. :)

Cosmic: Elmore James? LOL, C'mon now... That's quite a compliment and I really just consider myself just a back porch pickin average guitar player that gets lucky every now and again. ;)

squicklid: Yeah, that pop was when I got my harp too close to the mic. Man I need to get a real harp mic (and a real harp for that matter). I bought a cheap bluesband Hohner that i bent a reed on so it's not playing quite right.

The loss of reverb was by chance. I was goofing off and mixed it down before correcting it. Call me lazy, but i'll get it later. ;)

Overall, thank you both for the extremely kind words and feel free to send me some links of your recordings. I'd love to hear some and perhaps piece a couple songs together of colaboration. Just let me know. :D

sorry man; I tried a couple of times, but my browser doesn't like your site. It seems to want me to download a flash plugin or something...I gave up because I'm just not very persistent, lol. But you're from texas, so I'm sure it's great. :D
Is it just me or was there some high freq distortion in the first song? I'm no expert in the area of mouth harp but it almost sounded like the harp was too close or possibly some blowing into the mic. Some of the highs sound a bit shrill. Some where at about the half way point, sounds like you made a significant change to the reverb. At that point it started to sound a lot more pleasant to me.

The second tune was much better balanced. I would have like to hear more of the slide/solo guitar to come out. There's just a little too much of the rythm/riff guitar covering the cool fills. All in all a much better tracking situation than what you had going on with tune #1.

Dig that down home mis-sip vibe. I wouldn't mind listening to a bit more of that.
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FatBoy, listen heah, you just sit back and take your praise lahk a mahn; what we hav' here is a fahlure th' communicate...

You have the touch. Nuff said.


Cosmic said:
FatBoy, listen heah, you just sit back and take your praise lahk a mahn; what we hav' here is a fahlure th' communicate...

You have the touch. Nuff said.



Hahah... yes`sah! I don't agree with it, but it's nice to hear. ;) There are so many people out there that can play. I just keep striving to do my best and I know it would sound much better if I had some theory under my belt (Keys, scales, etc...). Mainly I just play by ear and if it doesn't sound good then I try something else. So many of the runs and such are very simplistic.

Right now i'm working on one with my Ibanez DX270 with a DiMarzio Fred in the neck and a Zoom 505II set to a light blues distortion and cab sim with a hint of revb. Sounds VERY warm comming out of the Fred. The tune has a shuffle feel at 160 bpm and kind of that haunting sound.

I did speak to Eric Sardinas a few weeks ago about my Regal dobro and i'm going to be getting out the router and putting a lipstick pickup in it pretty soon. I just need to try to locate one and get the cash for it (not to mention get the courage to cut my guitar). Same model he's redone so he has quite a few tips on pickup placement and such. Not to mention one hell of a slide player.

Anywho, in a pretty good mood this morning and just thought I'd drop in. Again, thanks for the kind words and i hope i'll be posting more soon (as time permits).