Two operating systems: Win Xp and 98Se


New member
Hi all.

I currently run Win 98SE but would like to try out Win XP. Can I install Win XP on the same drive as win 98 SE and boot one or the other? Or do I have to install Win XP from scratch? I just don't want to install Xp and find out it doesn't work well for me and have to start over and reinstall 98SE again.


you can do a multi-boot
that means you install windows 98se on one partition and windows xp on another

just make sure you don't install them on the same partition or you will overwite one

There are programs such as Partition Magic that allow you to resize and create new partitions without having to reformat your computer. After using this, you will essentially have a C:Win98 and D:Unformatted. Boot from the WinXP CD, select D: as the destination for your files and you should be good to go.

XP should detect that Win98 is already in your MBR (master boot record) and give you the option of dual-boot or overwriting Win98. Obviously you would want to choose the former of those two options.

For more information, just to a web search under dual boot WinXP and Win98se.

Good Luck
Installed XP in a new partition.. kept the 98SE for just in case,
now I don't even have to use the 98. XP is great and so far has run any music software I just wanted it to ... I use 98 only for CDR writing cuse I have no XP compatible burning software.
I just did this a few days ago - had Win98SE, hated it, wanted to give WinXPPro a shot. I was already using PartitionMagic for my second (data) hard drive, so here's what I did - I just shortened the length of the partition on my first (OS/programs) drive, down to the bare minimum needed for Win98SE (I still want to have 16-bit compatibility on my system, just in case). So about 20% of the hard drive was used as my primary DOS partition, and the rest was unpartitioned space.

From the Win98 desktop, I inserted the WinXP CD. I told it that I wanted to specify which partition to install on, and WinXP made the partition for me. It was completely painless, and now I can access all four of my hard drives' partitions from both WinXP and Win98.

I like WinXP quite a bit. Hopefully you'll have the same experience!
Good to hear everything worked out for you. I'm also enjoying WinXp, but still have Win2k on my other computer. I'm just too lazy right now to back everything up and upgrade.
