Two old ones ...


I checked out "freeway".

I thought the drums were back in the mix a bit. Sounded like more of an effect issue (too much verb?) than a level thing.

Nice playing. The piece was short but, almost redundant. Maybe it is my attention span.........


Since Theron chose Free Way, I listened to Inside Light. Pretty good shred, my friend. I think the drums could come up a bit (not the cymbals, though...they were a little too loud). Bass sounded pretty good here, and was well-played.
Definitely as you describe it, an 80's style tune. I could hear the EVH influence, and you played it well.
You're an accomplished guitarist. From my perspective as being more concerned with content, I'd like to hear you do a song where the guitar supports a singer. Do any of the other songs have a vocal?
Good playing, and I hope some of the mixmeisters come along to help you out with recording/mixing.
