Two new songs, percussion jam and accoustic test.

Nik D

Another brick in the wall
I've got two songs up, one is a percussion jam I did with a friend one night. We recorded udu's, rainsticks, that flat practice LP conga, cups filled with water, a dij, and other noises. I think it turned out pretty cool. For the rainstick I set up two mics about 3 1/2 feet apart and hard panned them. Gave me cool stereo when I spun around holding the stick.
The second song is a short accoutic gutar, drums, and bass thing I recorded. I suck at guitar, but I wanted to get some more experiance with recording accoustics, so I put my 3 chord knowledge to work and wrote this little "song". I did the guitar first without a click so it isn't super steady. Really all this was is practice at recording, so look past the playing errors if you can lol. I don't like the bass at all, I ran it through my guitar amp as an experiment. Tell me what you think I can improve on, no matter how little it is.