Two new indie-pop/mod tunes

I listened to 'Excellent Girl'

It was decent but the guitar sound got out of control at times... like the song could use a remix IMOP.. The tune as a whole had a decent vibe, the change around 2:30 was cool but the guitar got too loud... mostly mix problems IMOP..


My thoughts

I listened to "Excellent Girl"...

As far as underlying material, I thought it was an ok song. The change up at 2:30 was nice. I swear the lead singer's voice is a dead ringer for Elvis Costello!!

But I thought the vocals need to be remixed. I thought the low harmony for some reason didn't blend well. Maybe record with a the lead singer overdubing the part. If you already did that, maybe back of some of the low's or rerecord. The harmony parts as written were sweet, but they just didn't seem to blend like I would want on the recording.

Also the vocals are a bit too far back in the mix. You could bring them up a bit and I think things would sound better.

I also think if the tempo were 10 BPM's faster it would be a better song.

Just thoughts...
Excellent girl generally sounds quite hard in the guitars.
THe low end sounds soft, where the opposite should be the case.

It think the vocals were nice though.

What are you monitoring on?

Funk on!
This was monitored through headphones! Recorded on an Akai 8 track digital hard disk recorder. I think the harmony sounds a bit screwy too, the lower harmony part was recorded before the lead vocal so I think that was how it got out of whack.

If I had a dime for everytime someone has said Elvis Costello I'd have about 12 dimes!
You've made it!!

Royston said:
If I had a dime for everytime someone has said Elvis Costello I'd have about 12 dimes!

See? You're doing music, having fun and making money. Oh wait... you said if someone gave you a dime. Never mind.