Turn my hi-fi into monitors?


New member
hey all

Just wondering if i can turn my hifi into a Sharp CD DP2400 into monitors that i can plug into my mixer?

At the moment i can plug it in, but i can only get one side (either left or right) of a song, as there is only one lead on the hi-fi that i can use.

the speakers themselves dont have leads, just two small wires that are inserted to the hi-fi CD deck.
well....your hi-fi most probably obviously supports "aux" ? how else can it be plugged into your pc, besides using those old fashioned tape converters... haha those things are so funny !!

Anywayz, well u say only one side plays ? well have u double checked the cables ? is your mixer sending out signals in both channels ? left and right.

i mean there can be many things. maybe your cable from the mixer to the hi-fi is fualty.... that's how i work mine...

my mixer goes straight into my pc, and then from my pc straight back to my mixer from my mixer going to my amp then monitors. that works perfect...so i'm guessing that you might just have a cable problem.?!

At the moment ive got my hifi plugged into my headphone input, because it gives both sides.

I want to put it in the monitor inputs (i.e. 2 jacks left and right) and wondering if i can do this with what seems only 1 lead from my hi-fi. I can only get a side, because i have to choose either/or!