Tube suggestion for ART TPS-II


New member
I'm thinking of buying a used ART TPS-II in my local area and I've read the tubes can be replaced for different sounds. Just curious to know the options. Either way I'm going to try it with the stock tubes before I go changing things. Any ideas, part numbers, and results would be helpful. Thanks.
Both of mine came with NOS tubes as replacements but I'm not sure what they are -- Time permitting I'll open them and report back to ya.
Thanks a lot. I'm sure they put a lot of time and effort choosing a good balance between sound quality and price but I've been told that some people have replaced them with mixed results but from what I remember they didn't list the specific tubes.
Thanks for the input. The sits are helpful. I emailed ART asking if their were a big difference between the TPS-II & MPAII and the response was "Both are fine- the MPAII does give you better metering and a lower noise floor. If money or rack space is an issue, go with the TPSII." Not as helpful as I'd hoped, but I understand they don't have time to get into detail.
OK I did find out that the tubes are the originals. I hope to have it in my hands in a few weeks and hear for myself.