Tube Rolling ART Pres?


New member
Yeah, I know...lots of people think the ART MP STUDIO and ART TPS II are junk. But alas, I have them. I got 2 each of the MP's for $30 apiece, they are channels that may prove useful for drums at least.

I know they are starved plate pres, and that the tube cannot do everything it is supposed to do because of the voltage. In my endless searching for an upgrade mic pre that would not break my small bank, I ran across a review that said rolling the tubes in the TPS II would make a difference. So I decided to order out some 12AX7's and try it in all of the pres. They are not here yet, but I ordered a a couple of Tung-Sol, Penta Labs, and Sovtek LPS 12AX7's from Doug's Tubes.

I may just wind up thowing the tubes in a drawer and letting the "roll around", LOL, but if it improves the pres a bit I will be happy.

Has anyone else tried this, particularly with the TPS II? I mean REALLY tried it. Please don't tell me that the pres are junk, because I have already heard that ad nauseum. I just have a small home studio...

Any comments or experience you care to share?

Thanks and take care,
