Tube MP Mic Pre-amp - Mono to Stereo?


New member
Newbie here! Is there any way to make the ART Tube MP accept a stereo signal? all stereo signals i send it always end up just having a left-side only output. even when i put the mono adapters in, just the left signal makes it through.

is it just not in the circuitry to have a stereo in, stereo out from my MP? Thanks!
Yo Jahn! Stereo requires 2 tracks. When you record, you can copy the track onto another track, or just record in mono and pan it to center. If you have 2 identical tracks, it is not "stereo", it is 2 channel mono. Stereo recording involves tracks from different sources, panned left and right in an attempt to replicate the directionality of sound that you experience when you are there, in the room where it was played. Sure, the guitar is on the left, vocals right, bass and drums "down the middle". That's the classic mix of old time Rock and Roll. Rock gets into not as pure but very cool adaptations of the stereo concept, creating sounds that couldn't exist in real acoustic space, phase shifting, etc. It's like an MC Escher drawing. You can draw it, but it couldn't exist in real space.
I guess the real answer to your question is no. You cannot make a single channel preamp into a 2 channel preamp by creative patching.-Richie