Tube mics, what do you think?

every mic listed is a good mic.. i love the NTV its a great mic.. i think rode tried to model a u47 when they made it. they're hard to find sometimes, but they seem to pop up on ebay.
TB3... never heard of it, or are you talking about the SP TB1?

the mkl2500 octava cought my eye when the price at GC dropped.. i'm thinking about picking one up. they sound really nice with female vox..

ntk, can't say nothing but good things about it..

the T3.. i only got to use one once.. it wasn't that great but it could have been the pre b/c i know a few ppl that claim it sounds better than some of their higher priced mics with ease

on mic i wasn't to fond of but started liking after hearding it with a good pre.. the MXL69.. its a great sounding mic when you have a good pre.
i don't know others takes on this mic, but since i've used it i can tell you the SE5500 sounds great on vox or acoustic guitars. its a very well built mic, most may not mess with it b/c its SE.electronics.. but the mic sounds very good.. you can put it up there with the ntk and others.