Tube 2 Channel Strip near $1000


New member

I'm looking for a tube 2 channel strip for near $1000. I don't want an unuseable tube (like the dbx unit for $600). My main areas of interest are in the preamp and the EQ over the compressor that tends to come with channel strips.

See if you can get a hold of a used Peavey VMP-2.

Also, look around at what A-designs has to offer. Not sure you'll be able to fit it in to your budget, though. You're going to have a tough time finding anything decent in that range. Real tube pres are going to set you back a bit more.
They are starved plate I think...If I buy another tube pre its going to be a real one...that VTB-2 should be coming along soon.
darrin_h2000 said:
They are starved plate I think...If I buy another tube pre its going to be a real one...that VTB-2 should be coming along soon.

I'm not familiar with 'starved plate'. can someone educate me?
To really use a tube for a gain have to generate alot of wont get that from a wall wart.

Starved plate designs just mix in a bit of distortion form the starved plate of the tube...not real tube gain.
Interesting, I haven't heard of that Peavey item before. I just did a read up on it from a UK review...seems pretty nice and very much what I'm looking for. That classic tube driven sound. Are these discontinued? I wasn't able to find them from
the vmp2 is mad good. IT is made by AMR which was bought by peavey.

I counted 7? tubes per channel. I've had quite a few pres (sytek, joemeeek, etc) and the peavey was head and shoulders above them. It made bad mics sound good.
They are discontinued. You can get them used on ebay for around 600-650 and you can usually sell it for what you paid for it.
You aren't going to find a quality 2-channel tube pre, eq, comressor in the $1000 - $1500 range. Sorry.

For multiple channel tube pres in that range, the Peavey has a good reputation. I just got a Sebatron vmp2000e which has six eq settings and a 0db-15db-30db pad on both channels. I like it a lot. The A-Designs tube pres are well liked also.
I have the peavey vmp-2 and it's really nice for fat vox as well as bass and guitars. Sounds great. However, it's a little slow, so using it on things with fast transients a la snare drums or kick drums will not have that sharp attack that you're looking for.

It also has a VERY HOT output. While going 1/4 out to my delta 1010 I could only turn it up to about 3 before the delta inputs were clipping. I wish there was an output pot on these channels so I could dial in how much tube distortion I wanted and such.

I have not gotten the chance yet to use the EQ, since I usually record in the room with the bands and I don't get the chance to hear the sounds just out of my monitors, so I don't fuck with it before putting it to tape (oops, I mean hard disk).
tdukex said:
You aren't going to find a quality 2-channel tube pre, eq, comressor in the $1000 - $1500 range. Sorry.

For multiple channel tube pres in that range, the Peavey has a good reputation. I just got a Sebatron vmp2000e which has six eq settings and a 0db-15db-30db pad on both channels. I like it a lot. The A-Designs tube pres are well liked also.

What about the Hamptone tube pre kit. It goes for $699 and you just have to build it yourself. Anybody heard one of these? Apparently they are very good pres from what I've heard around the net.
ChristopherDawn said:
I have the peavey vmp-2 and it's really nice for fat vox as well as bass and guitars. Sounds great. However, it's a little slow, so using it on things with fast transients a la snare drums or kick drums will not have that sharp attack that you're looking for.

It also has a VERY HOT output. While going 1/4 out to my delta 1010 I could only turn it up to about 3 before the delta inputs were clipping. I wish there was an output pot on these channels so I could dial in how much tube distortion I wanted and such.

I have not gotten the chance yet to use the EQ, since I usually record in the room with the bands and I don't get the chance to hear the sounds just out of my monitors, so I don't fuck with it before putting it to tape (oops, I mean hard disk).

hey christopher, just change the input on the delta1010 from +4 to -10. That should allow you to turn the peavey up a little more.
CyanJaguar said:
hey christopher, just change the input on the delta1010 from +4 to -10. That should allow you to turn the peavey up a little more.
Nope, I switched between them and had the option of 'hot as hell signal' and 'hotter than satan' signal.

The guy I bought it from (forgot his board name) had the same experiends (he was using a 1010, also).

And that was also with the -20 pad in.
krimson said:
What about the Hamptone tube pre kit. It goes for $699 and you just have to build it yourself. Anybody heard one of these? Apparently they are very good pres from what I've heard around the net.

Well...although I am sure it is of high quality, the Hamptone is a kit--and not a beginner kit, and it is only a mic pre--not a pre, eq, and compressor like thesedaze asked. If he only wanted a two channel tube pre I would have suggested the Sebatron v2000e or a used Peavey VMP2.
tdukex said:
Well...although I am sure it is of high quality, the Hamptone is a kit--and not a beginner kit, and it is only a mic pre--not a pre, eq, and compressor like thesedaze asked. If he only wanted a two channel tube pre I would have suggested the Sebatron v2000e or a used Peavey VMP2.

Ooops, yes your right he did say eq and compressor as well, my bad.
I just bought the focusrite platinum twintrak pro. At first I wasn't sure about it...I had my heart set on a tube preamp. It has an eq and a compressor (albeit each with limited control parameters). Now that I have tried it ....I like it. Still playing with it....experimenting with settings.

If anyone else has tried this piece (or has more info).....I would be interested to hear about it.

BTW: I am new to this BBS....This is only my second post/reply