Trying to sound as pro as possible

Mr. Ins@ne

New member
Well, I moved on from producing my own stuff to producing other bands. I have few (near none) equipment that I can call top-notch but I'm trying to sound as good as possible within my own means. I want you to comment on this small samples. This is the third band I'm producing, and so far is the best result ever. I must say I'm not a sound engineer and I don't know shit about frequencies. I use eqs and compressors based on what I hear only. Recently I've been teaching myself alot of that thanks to some articles exposed here by pros like Blue Bear and so on. When I'm producing I care alot for tightness and I want to get a near-professional result overall, and to achieve that I may comit some basic errors that most of you here condemn, like using alot of headphones on mixing, etc. I'm learning and still will for some large years I guess. Well...just listen to it and give you opinion on the final product. This is already mastered. And mind the heavyness...

Everything was done in one weekend + 2 days of mixing/ mastering.
i think you achieved the sound you were going for. i personally don't like it, but that is what that genre normally sounds like.

hows that for a back handed compliment?

but seriously. good job.
You are more than right. It is difficult to like this kinda of sound if you don't like the style. That's why I posted it here, because I wanted opinions from people that are not really fans of this kinda of trash/death/modern/whatever metal. I'd also like to have the pros saying "Next time you should boost this frequency on the snare, or cut this other frequency on the guitars, or add more reverb here, etc". I want to learn more and get it more pro if possible (not in this case because it is already released, but I'm already producing another band's album and I want to aply new learnings there).
Sounds pretty damn good, I would say it needs a little more low end. Though, that may be my room talking to me. I just moved everything around.
I personally think it lacks a little more of low-end as well. When I was working in the mix, everything sounded a bit too dull, so on the master I gave my best efforts to make it brighter, and it is bright alright, but maybe too much. The low-end was neglected I guess.
Not a big fan of the genre either but it as for the mixing you did a really good job!
The hard panning in the second song is somewhat distracting at times.
That's really the only thing I can come up with, it sounds just the way it should to me..
Needs to be louder.

no, I'm kidding. There's good separation for this type of music...the only thing I personally think it's missing to be "BIG" upon first, immediate, non-critical listening is something to thump you in the chest. I can hear the kick just fine - it's just a little light in the ass, but so is 99.999999% of everything being played via mp3's on computer speakers these days. :D
I agree with chris. If I had listened to it as a CD or through better speakers, it may have that "kicked-in-the-chest" feel to it. This genre is not one I listen to, but from what I've heard of this stuff, it sounds like you nailed it. Does someone who sings (is that the right word?) this stuff have to eat glass before a session? I don't know if you call it talent or skill or a gift, but the few bands who are good at that stuff all seem to have the same type of vocal "thing" going on. I guess I'm old as I don't understand the concept or purpose behind it. You're on the right track, though....
I am listening on phones so I can't be be critical....

but overall very good job.... nicely balanced.... the vocals is a bit upfront for me.... usually the kind of songs, the vocals would sink a little among those loud guitars... that's just me. :)

The guitars could have better definitions though...

My 2cents.

Good job!
Thnks guys for all this cool reviews. I agree with most of you. I'm far from considering my job perfect, that would be just a huge brake to my development as producer. Right now I'm working on a the album of a new-classic/ new-progressive rock/metal band with a strings quartet. I hope I can get better results than I did with the previous band. I'm getting some better equipment as well. Thanks for your help once again. I'm just waiting for the opinion of the PRO guys (I don't know if any of you that already replyed are PROs on this stuff, if you are, sorry) here - like Blue Bear, and so on.
I consider PRO guys that own or work at comercial studios and do music production/ engineering for a living, and are somewhat near what I'm trying to achieve as far as "making-a-living-out-of-music-production" goes. (Well, I already do make a living out of music, but I'm a professional musician, not a professional producer). If that's the question, here is your answer.

Chrisharris: Sorry, didn't know. Thanks for your feedback anyway.
Yeah good stuff. If i had to say anything it would be nitpicking. Maybe lift the Bass guitar a bit, that might give you more low end in the mix.
Really good though, sounds profesional to me, like a commercial CD.
What you use for guitars? Mesa boogie? They are nice man.